Tuesday, June 27, 2017


MOM'S COMMENTARYThis is how my life is going lately, a little lately
Joseph's remarks.

Well I would love to give some ideas but you missed your window haha!
I did send you an email though so hopefully that was useful

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 7:06 PM, laura butters <laurabutters2@q.com> wrote:
Dear son Elder Butters,
I have been asked to speak for stake conference next week as a mom with a son on a missionary and how to help that missionary get a complete conversion to the gospel.  Any Ideas that come to mind  from  your prospective might help.

The next week is busy with graduations, Josian, Josh and Kendra.

We are finally getting our garden planted and I feel a lot better.

Everyone asks about you and says Hi.  That includes all my doctors.  I guess a year is closing in.  I can hardly believe that.

Weekly Quote:  please send me one of your   favorites for my talk.  

Love you exceeding abundantly,